
High-Precision Deep Zoom



Created as a simple exercise of the animation software in its early development, this zooms in to a mini-brot which is very close to the fixed point at (0,1). The final size is actually 7.3E-102, but I call the video E100 anyway.

E100 mandelbrot set fractal video frameE100 mandelbrot set fractal video frameE100 mandelbrot set fractal video frameE100 mandelbrot set fractal video frame
E100 mandelbrot set fractal video frameE100 mandelbrot set fractal video frameE100 mandelbrot set fractal video frameE100 mandelbrot set fractal video frame
Download Options
MOV File Formats:9.8 MB streaming quality
WMV File Formats:49 MB high-quality
8.3 MB streaming quality
Vital Statistics
Date Generated:17 Aug 07
Final Image Size:7.3e-102
Video Length:2:08 min
Rendering Time:86:06 hours
Method:Distance Estimator


This was one of the deepest zoom animations on this web site, and one of the deepest zooms ever using the Distance Estimator method, although it is no longer either of those. It demonstrates the period-doubling effect nicely, although overall it is not the most visually interesting animation.